Laskar Pelangi

Date Released : 25 September 2008
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Starring : Cut Mini Theo, Ikranagara, Tora Sudiro, Slamet Rahardjo, Mathias Muchus, Rieke Dyah Pitaloka
Genre : Drama

Laskar Pelangi film is told in the late 70s, in an island called K islands near the island of Sumatra. The island is rich in Tin but becomes exploitation when the country was.

Tersebutlah a Muhammadiyah primary school which was difficult to open a new class. They received an ultimatum in order to collect a minimum of 10 students in order to survive. For Mother Muslimah (Cut Mini) and Pak Harfan (Ikranagara), it is not a light task. SD Muhammadiyah is the first Islamic school in K. The school conditions are not suitable to be used. School buildings are dilapidated with the gaps in the roof and would leak when the rain arrived. Because of globalization and the need for modern education shift schools have thus become inevitable by many people. However, with struggling SD Muhammadiyah finally managed to gather 10 students to open a new class.

These schools, there is Ikal (Zulfani), Latitude (Ferdian) and Mahar (Veris Yamarno). Latitude is an intelligent child who was educated by the harsh nature. Armed with reading newspapers, magazines, latitude be the smartest kid among others. Her house is located deep in the coastal area requires her to be early in the morning going to school. Not to mention when he had to go through the usual crocodile wallow in the usual way he passed to the school. Curl is a child who always wanted to know and always trying to learn. While Mahar with a flamboyant style and the radio is worn on the neck would be a good figure art. Because compactness to the 10 children, eventually they dubbed by Bu Mus as Laskar Pelangi.

On the other hand, there is a SD PN TIN is a favorite school and the circles are filled.

To 10 children are tested with various trials for the continuation school where they studied. Bu Mus firmness in guiding them to make these schools remained cheerful. But after the death Pak Harfan, Bu Mus be a crushed and little children in learning terlantarkan teaching.

How the next story, what would happen to the children that Laskar Pelangi?

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